
Threat Finds

March 20, 2019

The Invisible Threat: How AI Catches the Ursnif Trojan

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Mar 2019
The cyber AI approach successfully detected the Ursnif infections even though the new variant of this malware was unknown to security vendors at the time.

Over the past few months, I’ve analyzed some of the world’s stealthiest trojan attacks like Emotet, which employ deception to bypass traditional security tools that rely on rules and signatures. Guest contributor Keith Siepel also explained how cyber AI defenses managed to catch a zero-day trojan on his firm’s network for which no such rules or signatures yet exist. Indeed, with the incidence of banking trojans having increased by 239% among our customer base last year, it appears that this kind of subterfuge is the new normal.

However, one particularly sophisticated trojan, Ursnif, takes deception a step further evidence of which we are still seeing emerge. Rather than writing executable files that contain malicious code, some of its variants instead exploit vulnerabilities inherent to a user’s own applications, essentially turning the victim’s computer against them. The result of this increasingly common technique is that — once the victim has been tricked into clicking a malicious link or duped into opening an attachment via a phishing email — Ursnif begins to ‘live off the land’, blending into the victim’s environment. And by exploiting Microsoft Office and Windows features, such as document macros, PsExec, and PowerShell scripts, Ursnif can execute commands directly from the computer’s RAM.

One of the most prevalent and destructive strains of the Gozi banking malware, Ursnif was recently placed at the center of a new campaign that saw it dramatically expand its functionality. Originally created to infect hosts with spyware in order to steal sensitive banking information and user credentials, it can now also deploy advanced ransomware like GandCrab. These new functions are aided by the elusive trojan’s aforementioned file-less capabilities, which render it invisible to many security tools and allow it to hide in plain sight within legitimate, albeit corrupted applications. Shining a light on Ursnif therefore requires AI tools that can learn to spot when these applications act abnormally:

Cyber AI detects Ursnif on multiple client networks

First campaign: February 4, 2019

Darktrace detected the initial Ursnif compromise on a customer’s network when it caught several devices connecting to a highly unusual endpoint and subsequently downloading masqueraded files, causing Darktrace’s “Anomalous File / Masqueraded File Transfer” model to breach. Such files are often masqueraded as other file types not only to bypass traditional security measures but also to deceive users — for instance, with the intention of tricking a user into executing a file received in a malicious email by disguising it as a document.

As it happens, this Ursnif variant was a zero-day at the time Darktrace detected it, meaning that its files were unknown to antivirus vendors. But while the never-before-seen files bypassed the customer’s endpoint tools, Darktrace AI leveraged its understanding of the unique ‘pattern of life’ for every user and device in the customer’s network to flag these file downloads as threatening anomalies — without relying on signatures.

A sample of the masqueraded files initially downloaded:

File: xtex13.gas
File MIME type: application/x-dosexec
Size: 549.38 KB
Connection UID: C8SlueG1mT7VdcJ00

File: zyteb17.gas
File MIME type: application/x-dosexec
SHA-1 hash: 4ed60393575d6b47bd82eeb03629bdcb8876a73f
Size: 276.48 KB

File: File: adnaz2.gas
File MIME type: application/x-dosexec
Size: 380.93 KB
Connection UID: CmPOzP1AC4tzuuuW00

A sample of the endpoints detected:

kieacsangelita[.]city · 209.141.60[.]214
muikarellep[.]band · 46.29.167[.]73
cjasminedison[.]com · 185.120.58[.]13

Following the initial suspicious downloads, the compromised devices were further observed making regular connections to multiple rare destinations not previously seen on the affected network in a pattern of beaconing connectivity. In some cases, Darktrace marked these external destinations as suspicious when it recognized the hostnames they queried as algorithm-generated domains. High volumes of DNS requests for such domains is a common characteristic of malware infections, which use this tactic to maintain communication with C2 servers in spite of domain black-listing. In other cases, the endpoints were deemed suspicious because of their use of self-signed SSL certificates, which cyber-criminals often use because they do not require verification by a trusted authority.

In fact, the large volume of anomalous connections commonly triggered a number of Darktrace’s behavioral models, including:

Compromise / DGA Beacon
Anomalous Connection / Suspicious Self-Signed SSL
Compromise / High Volume of Connections with Beacon Score
Compromise / Beaconing Activity To Rare External Endpoint

Beaconing is a method of communication frequently seen when a compromised device attempts to relay information to its control infrastructure in order to receive further instructions. This behavior is characterized by persistent external connections to one or multiple endpoints, a pattern that was repeatedly observed for those devices that had previously downloaded malicious files from the endpoints later associated with the Ursnif campaign. While beaconing behavior to unusual destinations is not necessarily always indicative of infection, Darktrace AI concluded that, in combination with the suspicious file downloads, this type of activity represented a clear indication of compromise.

Figure 1: A device event log that shows the device had connected to internal mail servers shortly before downloading the malicious files.

Lateral movement and file-less capabilities

In the wake of the initial compromise, Darktrace AI also detected Ursnif’s lateral movement and file-less capabilities in real time. In the case of one infected device, an “Anomalous Connection / High Volume of New Service Control” model breach was triggered following the aforementioned suspicious activities. The device in question was flagged after making anomalous SMB connections to at least 47 other internal devices, and after accessing file shares which it had not previously connected. Subsequently, the device was observed writing to the other devices’ service control pipe – a channel used for the remote control of services. The anomalous use of these remote-control channels represent compelling examples of how Ursnif leverages its file-less capabilities to facilitate lateral movement.

Figure 2: Volume of SMB writes made to the service control pipe on internal devices by one of the infected devices, as shown on the Darktrace UI.

Although network administrators often use remote control channels for legitimate purposes, Darktrace AI considered this particular usage highly suspicious, particularly as both devices had previously breached a number of behavioral models as a result of infection.

Second campaign: March 18, 2019

A second Ursnif campaign was detected just this week. At the time of detection, no OSINT was available for the C2 servers nor the malware samples.

On a US manufacturer’s network, the initial malware download took place from: xqzuua1594[.]com/loq91/10x.php?l=mow1.jad hosted on IP 94.154.10[.]62.
Every single malware download is unique. This is indicating auto-patching or a malware factory working in the background.
Darktrace immediately identified this as another Anomalous File / Masqueraded File Transfer.

Directly after this, initial C2 was observed with the following parameters:

HTTP GET to: vwdlpknpsierra[.]email
Destination IP: 162.248.225[.]14
URI: /images/CKicJCsNNNfaJwX6CJ/0Ohp3OUfj/pI_2FszUK7ybqh33Qdwz/bOUeatCG2Qfks5DTzzO/H6SeiL8YozEYXKfornjfVt/hBgfcPVPCOf1H/2qo12IGl/L3B18ld4ZSx37TbdTUpALih/A5dl8FVHel/jMPIKnQfd/H.avi
User Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; WOW64; Trident/7.0; rv:11.0) like Gecko

What’s interesting here is that the C2 server provides a Sufee Admin login page:

This C2 appears to have bad operational security (OPSEC) as browsing random URIs on the server reveals some of the dashboard’s contents:

The initial C2 communication was followed by sustained TCP beaconing to ksylviauudaren[.]band on 185.180.198[.]245 over port 443 with SSL encryption using a self-signed certificate. Darktrace highlighted this C2 behavior as Compromise / Sustained TCP Beaconing Activity To Rare Endpoint and Anomalous Connection / Repeated Rare External SSL Self-Signed IP.

As of the writing of this article, the domain ksylviauudaren[.]band was still not recognized in OSINT as malicious – highlighting again Darktrace’s independence of signatures and rules to catch previously unknown threats.


The cyber AI approach successfully detected the Ursnif infections even though the new variant of this malware was unknown to security vendors at the time. Moreover, it even managed to catch Ursnif’s file-less capabilities for lateral movement through its modelling of expected patterns of connectivity. In terms of the wider security context, the ease with which cyber AI flagged such sophisticated malware — malware which takes action by corrupting a computer’s own applications — further demonstrates that AI anomaly detection is the only way to navigate a threat landscape increasingly populated by near-invisible trojans.


kieacsangelita[.]city · 209.141.60[.]214
muikarellep[.]band · 46.29.167[.]73
cjasminedison[.]com · 185.120.58[.]13
xqzuua1594[.]com · 94.154.10.[6]2
vwdlpknpsierra[.]email · 162.248.225[.]14
ksylviauudaren[.]band · 185.180.198[.]245

Inside the SOC
Darktrace cyber analysts are world-class experts in threat intelligence, threat hunting and incident response, and provide 24/7 SOC support to thousands of Darktrace customers around the globe. Inside the SOC is exclusively authored by these experts, providing analysis of cyber incidents and threat trends, based on real-world experience in the field.
Max Heinemeyer
Global Field CISO

Max is a cyber security expert with over a decade of experience in the field, specializing in a wide range of areas such as Penetration Testing, Red-Teaming, SIEM and SOC consulting and hunting Advanced Persistent Threat (APT) groups. At Darktrace, Max is closely involved with Darktrace’s strategic customers & prospects. He works with the R&D team at Darktrace, shaping research into new AI innovations and their various defensive and offensive applications. Max’s insights are regularly featured in international media outlets such as the BBC, Forbes and WIRED. Max holds an MSc from the University of Duisburg-Essen and a BSc from the Cooperative State University Stuttgart in International Business Information Systems.

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February 3, 2025



CNAPP Alone Isn’t Enough: Focusing on CDR for Real-Time Cross Domain Protection

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Forecasts predict public cloud spending will soar to over $720 billion by 2025, with 90%[1] of organizations embracing a hybrid cloud approach by 2027. These figures could also be eclipsed as more businesses unearth the potential impact that AI can make on their productivity. The pace of evolution is staggering, but one thing hasn’t changed: the cloud security market is a maze of complexity. Filled with acronyms, overlapping capabilities, and endless use cases tailored to every buyer persona.

On top of this, organizations face a fragmented landscape of security tools, each designed to cover just one slice of the cloud security puzzle. Then there’s CNAPP (Cloud-Native Application Protection Platform) — a broad platform promising to do it all but often falling short, especially around providing runtime detection and response capabilities. It’s no wonder organizations struggle to cut through the noise and find the precision they require.

Looking more closely at what CNAPP has to offer, it can feel like as if it is all you would ever need, but is that really the case?

Strengths and limitations of CNAPP

A CNAPP is undeniably a compelling solution, originally coming from CSPM (Cloud Security Posture Management), it provided organizations with a snapshot of their deployed cloud assets, highlighting whether they were as secure as intended. However, this often resulted in an overwhelming list of issues to fix, leaving organizations unsure where to focus their energy for maximum impact.

To address this, CNAPP’s evolved, incorporating capabilities like; identifying software vulnerabilities, mapping attack paths, and understanding which identities could act within the cloud. The goal became clear: prioritize fixes to reduce the risk of compromise.

But what if we could avoid these problems altogether? Imagine deploying software securely from the start — preventing the merging of vulnerable packages and ensuring proper configurations in production environments by shifting left. This preventative approach is vital to any “secure by design” strategy, CNAPP’s again evolving to add this functionality alongside.

However, as applications grow more complex, so do the variety and scope of potential issues. The responsibility for addressing these challenges often falls to engineers, who are left balancing the pressure to write code with the burden of fixing critical findings that may never even pose a real risk to the organization.

While CNAPP serves as an essential risk prevention tool — focusing on hygiene, compliance, and enabling organizations to deploy high-quality code on well-configured infrastructure — its role is largely limited to reducing the potential for issues. Once applications and infrastructure are live, the game changes. Security’s focus shifts to detecting unwanted activity and responding to real-time risks.

Limitations of CNAPP

Here’s where CNAPP shows its limitations:

1. Blind spots for on-premises workloads

Designed for cloud-native environments, it can leave blind spots for workloads that remain on-premises — a significant concern given that 90% of organizations are expected to adopt a hybrid cloud strategy by 2027. These blind spots can increase the risk of cross-domain attacks, underscoring the need for a solution that goes beyond purely prevention but adds real-time detection and response.

2. Detecting and mitigating cross-domain threats

Adversaries have evolved to exploit the complexity of hybrid and cloud environments through cross-domain attacks. These attacks span multiple domains — including traditional network environments, identity systems, SaaS platforms, and cloud environments — making them exceptionally difficult to detect and mitigate. Attackers are human and will naturally choose the path of least resistance, why spend time writing a detailed software exploit for a vulnerability if you can just target the identity?

Imagine a scenario where an attacker compromises an organization via leaked credentials and then moves laterally, similar to the example outlined in this blog: The Price of Admission: Countering Stolen Credentials with Darktrace. If an attacker identifies cloud credentials and moves into the cloud control plane, they could access additional sensitive data. Without a detection platform that monitors these areas for unusual activity, while working to consolidate findings into a unified timeline, detecting these types of attacks becomes incredibly challenging.

A CNAPP might only point to a potential misconfiguration of an identity or for example a misconfiguration around secret storage, but it cannot detect when that misconfiguration has been exploited — let alone respond to it.

Identity + Network: Unlocking cross-domain threats

Identity is more than just a role or username; it is essentially an access point for attackers to leverage and move between different areas of a digital estate. Real-time monitoring of human and non-human identities is crucial for understanding intent, spotting anomalies, and preventing possible attacks before they spread.

Non-human roles, such as service accounts or automation tooling, often operate with trust and without oversight. In 2024, the Cybersecurity and Critical Infrastructure Agency (CISA) [2] released a warning regarding new strategies employed by SolarWinds attackers. These strategies were primarily aimed at cloud infrastructure and non-human identities. The warning details how attackers leverage credentials and valid applications for malicious purposes.

With organizations opting for a hybrid approach, combining network, identity, cloud management and cloud runtime activity is essential to detecting and mitigating cross domain attacks, these are just some of the capabilities needed for effective detection and response:

  • AI driven automated and unified investigation of events – due to the volume of data and activity within businesses digital estates leveraging AI is vital, to enable SOC teams in understanding and facilitating proportional and effective responses.
  • Real-time monitoring auditing combined with anomaly detection for human and non-human identities.
  • A unified investigation platform that can deliver a real-time understanding of Identity, deployed cloud assets, runtime and contextual findings as well as coverage for remaining on premises workloads.
  • The ability to leverage threat intelligence automatically to detect potential malicious activities quickly.

The future of cloud security: Balancing risk management with real-time detection and response

Darktrace / CLOUD's CDR approach enhances CNAPP by providing the essential detection and native response needed to protect against cross-domain threats. Its agentless, default setup is both cost-effective and scalable, creating a runtime baseline that significantly boosts visibility for security teams. While proactive controls are crucial for cloud security, pairing them with Cloud Detection and Response solutions addresses a broader range of challenges.

With Darktrace / CLOUD, organizations benefit from continuous, real-time monitoring and advanced AI-driven behavioural detection, ensuring proactive detection and a robust cloud-native response. This integrated approach delivers comprehensive protection across the digital estate.

Unlock advanced cloud protection

Darktrace / CLOUD solution brief screenshot

Download the Darktrace / CLOUD solution brief to discover how autonomous, AI-driven defense can secure your environment in real-time.

  • Achieve 60% more accurate detection of unknown and novel cloud threats.
  • Respond instantly with autonomous threat response, cutting response time by 90%.
  • Streamline investigations with automated analysis, improving ROI by 85%.
  • Gain a 30% boost in cloud asset visibility with real-time architecture modeling.
  • References

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    About the author
    Adam Stevens
    Director of Product, Cloud Security



    February 4, 2025

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    Reimagining Your SOC: Overcoming Alert Fatigue with AI-Led Investigations  

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    The efficiency of a Security Operations Center (SOC) hinges on its ability to detect, analyze and respond to threats effectively. With advancements in AI and automation, key early SOC team metrics such as Mean Time to Detect (MTTD) have seen significant improvements:

    • 96% of defenders believing AI-powered solutions significantly boost the speed and efficiency of prevention, detection, response, and recovery.
    • Organizations leveraging AI and automation can shorten their breach lifecycle by an average of 108 days compared to those without these technologies.

    While tool advances have improved performance and effectiveness in the detection phase, this has not been as beneficial to the next step of the process where initial alerts are investigated further to determine their relevance and how they relate to other activities. This is often measured with the metric Mean Time to Analysis (MTTA), although some SOC teams operate a two-level process with teams for initial triage to filter out more obviously uninteresting alerts and for more detailed analysis of the remainder. SOC teams continue to grapple with alert fatigue, overwhelmed analysts, and inefficient triage processes, preventing them from achieving the operational efficiency necessary for a high-performing SOC.

    Addressing this core inefficiency requires extending AI's capabilities beyond detection to streamline and optimize the following investigative workflows that underpin effective analysis.

    Challenges with SOC alert investigation

    Detecting cyber threats is only the beginning of a much broader challenge of SOC efficiency. The real bottleneck often lies in the investigation process.

    Detection tools and techniques have evolved significantly with the use of machine learning methods, improving early threat detection. However, after a detection pops up, human analysts still typically step in to evaluate the alert, gather context, and determine whether it’s a true threat or a false alarm and why. If it is a threat, further investigation must be performed to understand the full scope of what may be a much larger problem. This phase, measured by the mean time to analysis, is critical for swift incident response.

    Challenges with manual alert investigation:

    • Too many alerts
    • Alerts lack context
    • Cognitive load sits with analysts
    • Insufficient talent in the industry
    • Fierce competition for experienced analysts

    For many organizations, investigation is where the struggle of efficiency intensifies. Analysts face overwhelming volumes of alerts, a lack of consolidated context, and the mental strain of juggling multiple systems. With a worldwide shortage of 4 million experienced level two and three SOC analysts, the cognitive burden placed on teams is immense, often leading to alert fatigue and missed threats.

    Even with advanced systems in place not all potential detections are investigated. In many cases, only a quarter of initial alerts are triaged (or analyzed). However, the issue runs deeper. Triaging occurs after detection engineering and alert tuning, which often disable many alerts that could potentially reveal true threats but are not accurate enough to justify the time and effort of the security team. This means some potential threats slip through unnoticed.

    Understanding alerts in the SOC: Stopping cyber incidents is hard

    Let’s take a look at the cyber-attack lifecycle and the steps involved in detecting and stopping an attack:

    First we need a trace of an attack…

    The attack will produce some sort of digital trace. Novel attacks, insider threats, and attacker techniques such as living-off-the-land can make attacker activities extremely hard to distinguish.

    A detection is created…

    Then we have to detect the trace, for example some beaconing to a rare domain. Initial detection alerts being raised underpin the MTTD (mean time to detection). Reducing this initial unseen duration is where we have seen significant improvement with modern threat detection tools.

    When it comes to threat detection, the possibilities are vast. Your initial lead could come from anything: an alert about unusual network activity, a potential known malware detection, or an odd email. Once that lead comes in, it’s up to your security team to investigate further and determine if this is this a legitimate threat or a false alarm and what the context is behind the alert.

    Investigation begins…

    It doesn’t just stop at a detection. Typically, humans also need to look at the alert, investigate, understand, analyze, and conclude whether this is a genuine threat that needs a response. We normally measure this as MTTA (mean time to analyze).

    Conducting the investigation effectively requires a high degree of skill and efficiency, as every second counts in mitigating potential damage. Security teams must analyze the available data, correlate it across multiple sources, and piece together the timeline of events to understand the full scope of the incident. This process involves navigating through vast amounts of information, identifying patterns, and discerning relevant details. All while managing the pressure of minimizing downtime and preventing further escalation.

    Containment begins…

    Once we confirm something as a threat, and the human team determines a response is required and understand the scope, we need to contain the incident. That's normally the MTTC (mean time to containment) and can be further split into immediate and more permanent measures.

    For more about how AI-led solutions can help in the containment stage read here: Autonomous Response: Streamlining Cybersecurity and Business Operations

    The challenge is not only in 1) detecting threats quickly, but also 2) triaging and investigating them rapidly and with precision, and 3) prioritizing the most critical findings to avoid missed opportunities. Effective investigation demands a combination of advanced tools, robust workflows, and the expertise to interpret and act on the insights they generate. Without these, organizations risk delaying critical containment and response efforts, leaving them vulnerable to greater impacts.

    While there are further steps (remediation, and of course complete recovery) here we will focus on investigation.

    Developing an AI analyst: How Darktrace replicates human investigation

    Darktrace has been working on understanding the investigative process of a skilled analyst since 2017. By conducting internal research between Darktrace expert SOC analysts and machine learning engineers, we developed a formalized understanding of investigative processes. This understanding formed the basis of a multi-layered AI system that systematically investigates data, taking advantage of the speed and breadth afforded by machine systems.

    With this research we found that the investigative process often revolves around iterating three key steps: hypothesis creation, data collection, and results evaluation.

    All these details are crucial for an analyst to determine the nature of a potential threat. Similarly, they are integral components of our Cyber AI Analyst which is an integral component across our product suite. In doing so, Darktrace has been able to replicate the human-driven approach to investigating alerts using machine learning speed and scale.

    Here’s how it works:

    • When an initial or third-party alert is triggered, the Cyber AI Analyst initiates a forensic investigation by building multiple hypotheses and gathering relevant data to confirm or refute the nature of suspicious activity, iterating as necessary, and continuously refining the original hypothesis as new data emerges throughout the investigation.
    • Using a combination of machine learning including supervised and unsupervised methods, NLP and graph theory to assess activity, this investigation engine conducts a deep analysis with incidents raised to the human team only when the behavior is deemed sufficiently concerning.
    • After classification, the incident information is organized and processed to generate the analysis summary, including the most important descriptive details, and priority classification, ensuring that critical alerts are prioritized for further action by the human-analyst team.
    • If the alert is deemed unimportant, the complete analysis process is made available to the human team so that they can see what investigation was performed and why this conclusion was drawn.
    Darktrace cyber ai analyst workflow, how it works

    To illustrate this via example, if a laptop is beaconing to a rare domain, the Cyber AI Analyst would create hypotheses including whether this could be command and control traffic, data exfiltration, or something else. The AI analyst then collects data, analyzes it, makes decisions, iterates, and ultimately raises a new high-level incident alert describing and detailing its findings for human analysts to review and follow up.

    Learn more about Darktrace's Cyber AI Analyst

    • Cost savings: Equivalent to adding up to 30 full-time Level 2 analysts without increasing headcount
    • Minimize business risk: Takes on the busy work from human analysts and elevates a team’s overall decision making
    • Improve security outcomes: Identifies subtle, sophisticated threats through holistic investigations

    Unlocking an efficient SOC

    To create a mature and proactive SOC, addressing the inefficiencies in the alert investigation process is essential. By extending AI's capabilities beyond detection, SOC teams can streamline and optimize investigative workflows, reducing alert fatigue and enhancing analyst efficiency.

    This holistic approach not only improves Mean Time to Analysis (MTTA) but also ensures that SOCs are well-equipped to handle the evolving threat landscape. Embracing AI augmentation and automation in every phase of threat management will pave the way for a more resilient and proactive security posture, ultimately leading to a high-performing SOC that can effectively safeguard organizational assets.

    Every relevant alert is investigated

    The Cyber AI Analyst is not a generative AI system, or an XDR or SEIM aggregator that simply prompts you on what to do next. It uses a multi-layered combination of many different specialized AI methods to investigate every relevant alert from across your enterprise, native, 3rd party, and manual triggers, operating at machine speed and scale. This also positively affects detection engineering and alert tuning, because it does not suffer from fatigue when presented with low accuracy but potentially valuable alerts.

    Retain and improve analyst skills

    Transferring most analysis processes to AI systems can risk team skills if they don't maintain or build them and if the AI doesn't explain its process. This can reduce the ability to challenge or build on AI results and cause issues if the AI is unavailable. The Cyber AI Analyst, by revealing its investigation process, data gathering, and decisions, promotes and improves these skills. Its deep understanding of cyber incidents can be used for skill training and incident response practice by simulating incidents for security teams to handle.

    Create time for cyber risk reduction

    Human cybersecurity professionals excel in areas that require critical thinking, strategic planning, and nuanced decision-making. With alert fatigue minimized and investigations streamlined, your analysts can avoid the tedious data collection and analysis stages and instead focus on critical decision-making tasks such as implementing recovery actions and performing threat hunting.

    Stay tuned for part 3/3

    Part 3/3 in the Reimagine your SOC series explores the preventative security solutions market and effective risk management strategies.

    Coming soon!

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    About the author
    Brittany Woodsmall
    Product Marketing Manager, AI & Attack Surface
    Your data. Our AI.
    Elevate your network security with Darktrace AI