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What is a brute force attack?

What is a brute force attack?

A brute force attack is a hacking technique that relies on trial and error to decode sensitive information such as passwords, login credentials, and encryption keys. This method is straightforward but effective, making it a common choice for cybercriminals. In a brute force attack, hackers use automated tools to generate and test a vast number of combinations until the correct one is found, granting them unauthorized access to systems and accounts (a form of account takeover). Despite being an older method, brute force attacks remain prevalent due to their simplicity and reliability.

How brute force attack works?

The mechanism of a brute force attack involves utilizing bots or scripts to systematically guess a target's credentials. These automated tools often draw from extensive databases of commonly used passwords and usernames to expedite the process. Attackers might also exploit credentials obtained from previous data breaches or the dark web. The term "brute force" accurately describes the attack's nature, as it involves sheer computational power rather than sophisticated strategies.

For example, consider a simple password composed of only one character, which can include both letters and numbers. A brute force attack would need to try 62 different combinations to crack this password. For more complex passwords of 8 characters or more, the number of possible combinations increases exponentially, reaching into the millions. While older brute force attacks could take years to break such passwords, modern advancements in computing power have significantly reduced this time, allowing hackers to crack complex passwords in seconds using specialized software and supercomputers.

In a notable instance, a massive brute force attack on July 24, 2020, was reported by Imunify Security, blocking 15 million unique requests. Similarly, Flashpoint highlighted that over 1,000 websites running on Magento platforms were targeted through brute force attacks, aiming to steal credit card details and install malware. These examples underscore the persistent threat posed by brute force attacks in today's cybersecurity landscape.

What damage can brute force attacks do?

A brute force website attack can have severe repercussions for both individuals and organizations. When bad actors succeed, the consequences can be devastating. Hackers can steal sensitive personal data, such as bank account details, social security numbers, and private credentials, leading to identity theft and financial loss. For businesses, a successful brute force attack can result in the exposure of confidential company information, compromising customer data, and causing significant financial damage.

Frequently, these attacks do get through, especially if the targeted systems have weak passwords or inadequate security measures. Advanced brute force tools and techniques have made it easier for attackers to breach systems. According to cybersecurity reports, many organizations experience multiple brute force attack attempts daily. While not all attacks are successful, the frequency of these attempts highlights the persistent threat they pose.

The time it takes for a brute force attack to succeed varies depending on the complexity of the target's passwords and the attacker's resources. Simple passwords can be cracked in a matter of seconds, whereas more complex passwords might take hours, days, or even longer. However, with modern computing power, including the use of GPUs and specialized software, even complex passwords can be breached relatively quickly.

A significant brute force website attack can also disrupt website functionality, leading to downtime and loss of revenue. Hackers might exploit the breached system to spread malware, hijack resources, and even vandalize the website, damaging its reputation. For instance, inserting obscene or offensive content can deter visitors and erode trust.

How to prevent brute force attacks?

Preventing a brute force attack requires implementing a multi-layered security approach. Here are three to five key steps to fortify your defenses:

Use Strong, Unique Passwords

  • Why It’s Effective: Strong passwords, incorporating a mix of upper and lower case letters, numbers, and special characters, exponentially increase the difficulty for attackers to crack them through brute force. For example, an 8-character password with a mix of characters has over 6 quadrillion possible combinations.
  • Why It’s Helpful: By requiring users to create unique and complex passwords, the likelihood of a successful brute force attack decreases significantly. Password policies should enforce these standards to ensure compliance.

Implement Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA)

  • Why It’s Effective: MFA adds an extra layer of security by requiring users to provide two or more verification factors to gain access. This could include something they know (password), something they have (a smartphone), or something they are (fingerprint).
  • Why It’s Helpful: Even if an attacker successfully guesses a password, they would still need the second factor, significantly reducing the chances of unauthorized access.

Limit Login Attempts and Use Account Lockout Mechanisms

  • Why It’s Effective: Limiting the number of login attempts can prevent automated brute force attack software from making an endless number of guesses. Account lockout mechanisms can temporarily or permanently lock accounts after a certain number of failed attempts.
  • Why It’s Helpful: This strategy creates a significant barrier for attackers, forcing them to slow down and possibly abandon the attack.


  • Why It’s Effective: CAPTCHAs are used to verify that the login attempt is being made by a human and not an automated bot. They typically require users to identify text, images, or solve simple puzzles.
  • Why It’s Helpful: CAPTCHAs prevent automated brute force attacks by making it difficult for bots to proceed without human intervention.

Regular Monitoring and Logging

  • Why It’s Effective: Monitoring login activities and maintaining logs of failed login attempts can help identify patterns indicative of a brute force attack. Real-time alerts can notify administrators of suspicious activities.
  • Why It’s Helpful: Early detection allows for quicker responses to mitigate ongoing attacks and reinforce security measures as needed.

Why layering security measures is important?

Layering multiple types of security measures is crucial for comprehensive brute force attack prevention. Each layer adds a different type of defense, making it harder for attackers to penetrate the system. For example, while strong passwords protect against simple attacks, MFA ensures that even if passwords are compromised, unauthorized access is still prevented. Similarly, limiting login attempts and employing CAPTCHAs deter automated brute force attack software, while monitoring and logging provide the necessary oversight to catch and respond to attacks in real-time.

It's important to stay informed about the latest developments in cyber threats. For instance, new attack tactics and the growing complexity of ransomware attacks highlight the need for adaptive security measures. Learn more about these evolving cyber threats and how to confront them.

Block brute force attacks with Darktrace

Protect your organization from brute force attacks with Darktrace. Leveraging the power of AI, Darktrace's advanced security platform detects and neutralizes threats in real-time. Key features include automated threat detection, real-time monitoring, and intelligent response mechanisms, ensuring your systems remain secure against even the most sophisticated attacks. Don't leave your cybersecurity to chance. Learn more and secure your network here.