It helps us stay ahead of emerging threats and better defend our key systems. We are pleased to be working on cyber innovation with Darktrace’s leading self-learning platform.
Martin Sloan
Group Head of Security
Drax Group

At a glance:

Self-Learning AI takes proactive measures against threats

IT and OT protected with a unified solution

Protection from external and insider threats

Threats to IT and OT in the Energy Sector

The energy sector faces a rapidly-evolving threat landscape, in which increasingly sophisticated attackers have been successful in scaling network boundaries and infiltrating extremely sensitive operational systems. The stakes of cyber-threats in this  field are high, with major implications for the safety and integrity of critical national infrastructure.

Given the wide range of motivations that attackers have, and the looming risk of internal threat, it had become extremely difficult for Drax to pre-empt new attackers and anticipate their methodologies. Drax needed to be able to identify emerging threats, get ahead of up-and-coming attackers and intervene early in order to better protect its critical data and systems.

A Self-Learning Approach to IT/OT Security

Drax decided to implement a self-learning approach to cyber security, because it needed to be able to respond to fresh threats that had not been previously identified. The company selected Darktrace in order to benefit from a self-learning system that does not require a priori knowledge in order to identify threats, but which instead forms an adaptive understanding of normality and abnormality within its data systems.

The ability to constantly adapt to a rapidly evolving information environment in real time was critical to Drax, as it needed to be able to intervene early in potentially dangerous situations.

After successfully implementing Darktrace DETECT on its corporate network, Drax extended the coverage to defending its crucial industrial control system (ICS) from attack. By deploying Darktrace/OT alongside Darktrace/Network, Drax gained overall visibility of both IT and OT environments. Darktrace gives Drax the ability to detect previously unidentified threats irrespective of their origin.

Intrusions Detected Immediately

After Deployment, Darktrace has quickly become a fundamental part of Drax's cyber security strategy, due to its unique probabilistic approach and ability to detect emerging threats before they have the potential to cause significant damage.

On deploying Darktrace, the company was quickly alerted to potential intrusions within its systems that had already bypassed its other security tools. Following an easy implementation process, it now uses Darktrace to continuously analyze the overall health of its system and to spot irregular activities that have a high probability of being either malicious, dangerous or non-compliant.

Drax benefits from the most advanced cyber defense technology available today to protect itself against the most insidious attacks that jeopardize its critical infrastructure systems, whether those threats come from inside or outside of its organization.

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Drax is a leading power infrastructure company, and provides around 7% of the UK’s power. It is in the process of switching to the use of biomass. generators and is considered one of the most forward-looking organizations in the energy and utilities industry.
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