AI-powered cloud security

Darktrace & AWS

Prevent, detect, and respond to cyber-attacks with AI that learns your unique cloud environment and takes targeted action to neutralize threats.

Architectural awareness

Gain immediate context

of your cloud environment

  • Real-time visibility into asset utilization, cloud architecture, and access rights.

  • Provides a mechanism to reduce cost consumption by exposing underutilized cloud architectures.

UI Screenshot showing dynamic modeled architectures
Cloud-native response

Disarm cloud-based threats

in seconds

  • Understands your unique cloud network to detect and prioritize known and unknown threats.

  • Automated response to cloud incidents while ensuring enough human controls to align with business preference.

UI screenshot showing evolved understanding of your oraganisation.
Preemptive security

Be prepared, even in rapidly

changing environments

  • Real-time assessment of cyber security readiness with cloud attack surface management and attack path discovery.

  • Vulnerabilities are prioritized against real-world risk, based on awareness of behavior within your cloud.

UI screenshot of attack path modeling
AWS Marketplace

Available now on AWS Marketplace

Darktrace & AWS

Total cloud coverage

From IaaS to SaaS

  • Darktrace's coverage extends across Compute, Serverless, Containers, IAM, Storage Services, and beyond.

AWS diagram
Darktrace & AWS

Quick & easy deployment with granularity where you need it

  • Deploys from the cloud in 5 minutes.

  •  Data is drawn either from lightweight host-based server agents or a combination of traffic mirroring and API logs.

  • Multi-tenant, hybrid, and serverless environments are supported